Thursday, March 26, 2009


Kita tak perlukan kebenaran untuk mencintai
kerana mencintai adalah misi
didalam hidup kita.


Don't mind criticism, if it's not true,
disregard it;
It's unfair, keep from irritation;
If it's ignorant, smile...;
If it's justified, learn from it.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Life may be not so fair
but it's still GOOD!

Random charity!

Try "random charity."
Give more than expected.
Two instead of one;
Three instead of two.
Yes! Surprise them! Give More!

True happiness

True happiness is to be satisfied
with what we have.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Cinta senyap

Bila anda mencintai seseorang, tidak semestinya
anda terus memberitahunya. Sudah memadai jika anda
melahirkannya melalui perbuatan yang
senyap namun nyata.

Tidak salah

Tidak salah mencintai seseorang meskipun
anda tidak mungkin akan dapat hidup
bersama-sama dengannya.Kerana
cinta tidak semestinya bersatu.

Jangan beritahu...

Jangan sekali-kali memberitahu orang bagaimana
membuat sesuatu kerja. Beritahu mereka apa yang
harus dibuat dan mereka akan mengejutkan anda
dengan kepintaran mereka.
(General George Smith Patton, Jr.)

Never tell...

Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what to do
and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
(General George Smith Patton, Jr.)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Prudence is the virtue that disposes pratical reason to discern our true good in every circumstance and to choose the right means of achieving it; right reason in action.


Never judge a person's action until
you know his/her motives.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Trade; Learning

Some people prefer learning the tricks of the
trade rather than the trade itself that why
they remain a good workers but not a
businessmen or buisnesswomen.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Friends and Bees

Some friends are like bees. They can give you
honey as well as sting you at any time if you
are not nice to them.

Evil and Good

The best way to avoid evil
is to pursue good.


You do not need a permission to love
because it's your mission to love.