Thursday, September 18, 2008

Best friend

If you are a chocolate, you are the sweetest.
If you are a teddy bear, you are the most huggable.
If you are a star, you are the brightest
and since you are my friend, so you are
the Best!


If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive.
Don't criticize, condemn or complain.
(Dale Carnegie)
Therefore, let us live in peace with one another regardless of one's creed,
race, status and country. Respect everyone even if
he/she is different from you.

Saturday, September 6, 2008


Best friends are
like a priceless treasure.
Whoever has one,
found a rare treasure.
And, He/she who has none is
a real loner and
a social pauper.

Doing good to others

If you wish to do good or to give a helping hands to others, just do it. Do not ask any question or permission. If you do, normally people will refuse or reluctant to accept your offer or help. Give without asking because you understand their needs.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Compromise is always wrong when it means sacrificing a principle. So, stand firm with your principle no matters what.